Equipment I Use to Make Online Content

I tend to get some questions as to what I use for filming and making the content that I do.  I figured I would take today and share with you how I make it all happen.  I hope you enjoy.

Main Channel Equipment 

The Camera I am currently using is the Canon EOS Rebel T5.  I managed to get mine on sale for an amazing prize.  Here is the link to the camera.

I use this camera for all the content that I post on my Main Channel Amandaandlola NL 

I use lighting for my main channel videos as well.  I purchased mine from Amazon Canada.  They are by a brand called Cowboy Studio.  Here is the link to the lighting kit I purchased.  Amazon Lights

I have a huge tripod as well that I use to hold my DSLR camera when filming.  I purchased this from Amazon as well.  (Amazon Tripod)

VLOG Channel Equipment

I use a very old camera.  This is the canon Powershot 1500.  I love mine but i replaced it for the Olympus Stylus SZ line and that has since broken.  I have switched back to my handy old school point and shoot. I have a small collapsible tripod as well.

From time to time I use my iPhone SE to Vlog as well.  This is only used when i do not have my camera with me or if I forget a memory card etc.


I use iMovie to edit!  I would love to upgrade to Final Cut Pro but ultimately it is a very expensive editing program.  I edit on my 1tb Mac Mini.  I purchased the Mac Mini to save a ton of money on the monitor.  The hard drive was 879.99 in comparison to $1,400.00 plus dollars to get the monitor as well.  I purchased a far more affordable monitor.

To be honest it doe not cost that much to get started on YouTube.  If you take the time to find the good deals you will definitely benefit from it!

If you are a YouTuber leave me a comment telling me what you use to film!  Lets have a chat.



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